SOCSS complies with the SXF file format.
SXF introduces the concept of part drawings to allow shapes of different scales to coexist in a drawing. As a result, scale settings are done for each part drawing. Double-click the part drawing name (other than layout) at the bottom, or select "Part Drawing..." from the settings menu at the top while a drawing other than layout is selected to display the settings panel.
When setting the scale,
it is SXF compliant, so the scale is set separately for the X and Y coordinates, but currently in SOCSS
it is not meaningful unless the settings are the same, so please use the same value.
There are two ways to select shapes: click-drag the mouse to create a rubber band, or click-select. When selecting with a rubber band, dragging from left to right selects only shapes completely contained within the rubber band, while dragging from right to left selects all shapes within the rubber band. If you use the shift key in combination, the shape is added to the selection, and if you use the option key in combination, it is removed.
Drag and drop the image file from Finder onto the SOCSS file.
In Boolean operations (subtraction), the first selected shape is the male shape and the second selected shape is the female shape. Also, in all Boolean operations, the attributes of the second selected shape are applied to the resulting shape.
When editing a polygon or spline, you can hold down the option key and drag to select each node with a rubber band.
When creating a spline, pressing the B key will break the anchor. Also, when editing, if you place the cursor on a handle and press right while using the option key, you can limit the angle of the control line to the current angle.
The distance of movement can be set in the environment settings. If you use the option key together, the distance will be 1/5 of the set value, and if you use the shift key together, the distance will be 10 times. If a linear highlight is displayed, the direction of movement will match the direction of the line.
To add a prefix or suffix to the dimension line text, add the string enclosed in apostrophes to the formatter string.
When you select a text shape, double-clicking while holding down the shift key will display the text shape editing panel. Also, double-clicking while holding down the command key will optimize the text shape's area.
Clicking on the header of the Layer panel will invert the state of that item (visible/hidden, snapped/unsnap, editable/not editable) (except for the current layer).
If you press and hold the part drawing selection button, the part drawing title will appear, and you can change the order of the part drawings by dragging and dropping them (except for layout part drawings).
If you copy a table from a spreadsheet software (Numbers) and paste it into SOCSS, it will usually be recognized as an image, but if you edit the text shape and paste it, it will be pasted as a table.
From SOCSSv1.2.7, if the width, pitch, and radius values are not set correctly for both the Insulation Display and Insulation Display (Arc) commands, an alert message will appear saying "Values are out of range." Specifically, the inscribed circles assumed for the insulation display must be set so that they do not intersect with each other. Specifically, the following conditions must be met.
Pitch > Radius × 2
Width > (Radius × 2) × ( 1 + sin(acos((Pitch × 0.5)/(Radius × 2))))