Many expensive CAD programs use their own scripting language, but SOCSS uses the standard Mac AppleScript. This reduces the burden on users to learn the language, and also allows for easy integration with other software to achieve a wide range of functions.
Have you purchased expensive software just to print addresses? With SOCSS, you can print addresses using scripts. Because it is achieved through scripts, the position, size, font, etc. of the text is up to the user. It can be used for postcards as well as envelopes and return postcards. On the sample page, we have published a script for printing addresses from contacts in the address book. You can also download it from the button below. We also explain how to use the script in the column.
This script displays the total area of the selected shapes on a panel. It's a very simple script, but it's useful. We have published a script that displays the total area of the selected shapes on the sample page. You can also download it from the button below.
It is also possible to create shapes from scripts. We have given a fitting number as an example. Each time the script is called, the fitting number is displayed and the number increments by one. This is one of the features of AppleScript that makes it possible. Once you have mastered AppleScript, you can easily create your own shapes. A script to create fitting numbers is available on the sample page. You can also download it from the button below. The column also provides an explanation of how to use the script and how to use it.
There will likely be many cases where you want to replace the values in the menu that appears when you scroll the mouse. In such cases, you can easily make the conversion with a script. Because it is a script, you can customize it however you like, and if you can select it by genre, you will be able to cover almost all the values you need. A script to replace menu values is available on the sample page. You can also download it from the button below. The column also explains how to use the script.
This is a script that creates grid lines and dimension lines. The user sets the numerical value between the spans. Other settings that can be made include the placement pattern of the dimension lines and the distance between the dimension lines and grid lines. It is a good idea to automate as much of the tedious drawing as possible by creating a script. A script for creating dimension lines is available on the sample page. It can also be downloaded from the button below. The column also provides an explanation of how to use the script and how to use it.